Democracy Funding
#OLNDemocracy from networks, action
ProtesTatts: Ink for the Resistance
ProtesTatts: Ink for the Resistance is an open source, collaborative project for collective advocacy that designs inspirational tattoos representing specific issues concerning democracy around the world. These tattoo designs can also be used to print temporary tattoos, stickers, stamps, and other advocacy materials. ProtesTatts considers that activism can continue in a time when democracy is being silenced, by using our skin and other surfaces as a quiet medium for continued protest, with the overall goal of empowering citizens and connecting people from all over the world to stand up for a just society.
Tattoos are permanent images delivered by needles injecting ink into the skin. As tattoos are cut into the dermis (and not the outer layer, the epidermis), they are analogous to activists and advocacy leaders getting “under the skin” of oppressive systems and regimes. Several activist campaigns around the world have borne grassroots tattoo projects, showing support for climate action or democratic reform. The body’s immune system tries to destroy tattoos, but still these images persist, akin to the strength and tenacity of people working for their respective advocacies. The creative and visual nature of this project allows for continuity and scalability for potential future projects, attracting people from all backgrounds while decentralizing action. The tattoos may be loud or subtle, large or tiny, specific to a community or global cause, allowing for a range of designs to be accommodated.
I am motivated to apply for this grant as an artist and Obama Foundation Leader who recently collaborated with fellow Asia Pacific Leader Liangyi Chang to design a logo for #FreeHongFreeThemAll, a movement to free Hong Hoang, a Vietnamese climate activist and Obama Foundation Scholar who is currently in unjust detention for her work. You can read about my and Liang’s collaborative design process here, as an example of what this project can produce: I came out of this process energised and empowered to use my creative practice to amplify other issues that the broader Leadership Network members are working on. I believe in the power of art and design to catalyse change.
For this grant, I will create a set of five tattoos that represent five specific issues of democracy around the world by utilizing a collaborative and iterative design process. Democracy CoP members will propose the issues, and the top five will be selected through an online voting process. I will propose initial designs for each tattoo, and each iteration will be commented and voted upon by the Democracy CoP members or the broader Leadership Network with the final designs to be approved by the Obama Foundation staff. The feedback from our members is critical, as you are experts in your fields and can thus bring informed critique for us to co-create designs that are not only cool, but also appropriate and effective. These designs will be uploaded onto a website for downloading and commentary, which I can maintain. The public will be allowed to use the designs for their personal tattoos. For those who are unable to undergo permanent tattooing, a pack of temporary tatts, stamps, and stickers will be made available.
The grant money will be allocated to the artistic labor (50%), website hosting (10%), photography (10%), and materials such as printing of temporary tattoos, stickers, and stamps (30%). Leftover funding can be carried over to future editions if there is enough interest.
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